To inform entertain and excite my kids, Jamie, Patrick, Aaron & Sarah Middleburgh, our family and friends.

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Hong Kong

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According to GEOSTAT.ORGthe nearest beach to Middleburgh, New York, is 59 miles away at Haviland Cove Beach (and it's not even by the sea!!) In contrast the beach at Deep Water Bay, which is equipped with shark nets, is 3.3 miles from the Middleburgh's, HK residence and in summer on a Saturday we have been known spend a couple of hours there after breakfast. Personally I prefer going to one of the 3 swimming pools in our housing complex.

On the one hand the beach has sand (a prerequisite for sand castles) , shells (fascinating for 6 year olds) , hornets (#6 on the list) and "babes" albeit not up to Baywatch standards or in the quantities found in Ibiza. In contrast the complex swimming pools have cleaner water, more shade, saunas, Jacuzzi's and are with walking distance both to home and a variety of restaurants.

Common to both are tattooed women. Now when I was younger body art was less prevalent. The week before last there was a young woman by the pool with a tattoo on her midriff. Unfortunately she was slightly overweight with "folds" (rolls of fat) which obscured part so that it looked as though she had a dirty mark or tide line around her waist. This week at the pool there was a fit young woman with a tattoo which at a distance looked like a barcode. When she did the crawl it flashed provocatively every time her shoulder came out of water and it was teasingly visible ,just above the water line, when she was standing/treading water. When I had a closer look (failing eyesight) I realized it wasn't a bar code, but the word "teletubbies". Imagine explaining that to your daughter.

In contrast at the beach last week, there were 2 "young" woman, one of whom had floral arrangement above her hip. As it so happens I had taken the camera to test.I had just reset it to the factory settings because it had not been auto focusing properly or responding promptly to shutter button. Naturally I took photos of whatever subjects were available- the camera is too big for perving. Beads of water running off firm flesh, fresh from the sea ... that sort of thing. The shutter wasn't sluggish and the focus seemed to be OK... You could even see the telltale bruises on her left inner thigh ...

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